From the blog the Top 100 technology 
blogs for teachers, I have selected to discuss  "1. The Whiteboard Blog" and "12. Blogging About The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom".

The Whiteboard Blog was nominated as the "Best Educational Teach and Support Blog" for the 2009 Edublog Awards. Written by Danny Nicholson, an expert on both Promethean and SMART interactive whiteboards, who also has 15 years teaching/training in elementary, secondary and Special schools across UK, as well as Colleges and universities, The Whiteboard Blog is a great tool to use and learn from when it comes to SMART tools. The blog not only gives useful tips and hints to keep your teaching as smooth as possible, but it also has many great ideas on how to include technology in your presentations.

Blogging About The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom is a collaboration of blogs from numerous people, with all different kinds of backgrounds and interests in education and technology. Coined a contender for "Best Teacher Blog" and "BestEducational Tech and Support Blog" at the 2009 Edublog Awards, this blog (mostly written and managed by Steven Anderson) gives insight  into many different views of technology and rewards the interest of some to be the education of others. Although the blog's format and site map are mildly confusing for visitors, giving very few options and little direction into specific interests, it does have a great deal of tips and ideas to use in classroom settings when your ideas run low. All in all a top educational technology site.

It was a stormy monday night... Winds were howling and trees were strewn over cars and street lamps (even though there were no street lamps because there were trees everywhere, and if there are trees everywhere that probably means that the street lamps were pretty out of commission too). Soaking wet, I came home to a household full of shouting and rude comments (my dad was watching Scarface). I changed into some dry clothes, grabbed my car keys, and like any other 17 year old in the world on that night, I went shopping. I went to Target, and I remember being in the bathroom, making short cakes.

Pooping. I was pooping. I was also playing on my phone in silent mode, which is called multitasking, okay. Put it on the job apps.

And whilst I was pooping, some guy walks into the bathroom, and squats a seat in the stall next to me. Luckily, I was in the post-poop, but I didn't know what to do! Never in my life have I been a part of a double dump. You that awkward, trying-not-to-make-a-sound-but-you-are-both-pooping, deal? I tried making less awkward and dull down the awkwardness by keeping quiet, but because I kept quiet, I created a NEW awkward moment of quietness!

It was so quiet. I heard a fly fart. It was a soft, angelic whistle. It was quite beautiful, actually.

So we're both sitting there, one of us trying to mind our own business, the other not knowing I was there. Suddenly. I thought to myself:

"It's a monday... I got nothin' goin on."

So I let out the most blood-curdling scream.

The roar was so loud! It was like I released Thor in the bathroom! It was like uppercutting a play-doh can! All i hear is the guy burst out of the stall, just screaming, and run out into the store.

All I remember after that was walking out of the stall and doing a double fist into the air, and yelling "I AM THE MASTER COMMANDER!" I dont even know why I said this. I guess it just fit the moment.

But I remember after this, I lokoed into his stall...

The guy left his pants in the stall. That means he got so scared that he SLIPPED his sneakers out of his pants, and ran into target in his beefy Hanes.

I then walked out into the store, found the nearest employee, and told him:

"Look, I dont know what happened int there, but some guy... left his pants... in the stall..."

And the employee just looks at me for a couple seconds, then makes a scrunchie face and says "Oh....... Again?"

Again? Freaking AGAIN?